Zari Hassan The Boss Lady Is Always On Point

Kama Wewe ni Mpenzi Wa Mastaa,Kuanzia Bongo Movie Hadi Bongo Fleva

Jiunge Sasa na Group la Whatsapp la Mastaa wa Bongo Pata Maelekezo Hapa When it comes to fashion, Zari Hassan ‘the boss lady’ will never let you down. She always on point.

Ugandan socialite Zari Hassan, a mother of five (5) children proves that she is in love with FASHION.

You will agree with me after you see these photos below she shared today.

 From her Instagram account Zarithebosslady

Zari Hassan The Boss Lady

Zari Hassan The Boss Lady

Zari Hassan The Boss Lady

When the uber is late and you have deadlines to meet....-Zari
Zari Hassan The Boss Lady

I ride for mines, always rising and grinding. staying in hustle mode- Zari

Zari Hassan The Boss Lady

Inaitwa 'F.... shida'. Vumilia, if you vumilia, you get far. The universe eventually blesses you.-Zari

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" Zari Hassan The Boss Lady Is Always On Point "

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