This is what a 28 yr old guy did with his 75 yr old Mzungu Sug@r-mummy (VIDEO)

Kama Wewe ni Mpenzi Wa Mastaa,Kuanzia Bongo Movie Hadi Bongo Fleva

Jiunge Sasa na Group la Whatsapp la Mastaa wa Bongo Pata Maelekezo Hapa  Although he faced a lot of criticism for marrying a 75 year old Mzungu, 28 year old Ugandan artist, Guvnor Ace, who is a member of the popular Leone Island owned by Jose Chameleone, has decided to show the world that he will not divorce his mzungu lover any-time soon.

Check out the video below as the controversial singer gets romantic with his elderly lover, who is old enough to be his ancestor.

Je Unahitaji Mpenzi? Usijali, Basi Tukutane Hapa 18++

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"This is what a 28 yr old guy did with his 75 yr old Mzungu Sug@r-mummy (VIDEO)"

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