VIDEO: Wema Sepetu asking for votes during CCM-UWT Congress Singida

Kama Wewe ni Mpenzi Wa Mastaa,Kuanzia Bongo Movie Hadi Bongo Fleva

Jiunge Sasa na Group la Whatsapp la Mastaa wa Bongo Pata Maelekezo Hapa Miss Tanzania 2006 and Bongo Movie actress, Wema Sepetu, could soon venture into politics as she has expressed her interest in running for Member of Parliament special seat.

The Miss Tanzania 2006 could in October 2015, be the new special seat woman MP hailing from Singida.

Just watch her video below…. votes during CCM-UWT Congress Singida V

Je Unahitaji Mpenzi? Usijali, Basi Tukutane Hapa 18++

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"VIDEO: Wema Sepetu asking for votes during CCM-UWT Congress Singida"

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