This photo of Batuli & her son will melt your heart (Look)

Kama Wewe ni Mpenzi Wa Mastaa,Kuanzia Bongo Movie Hadi Bongo Fleva

Jiunge Sasa na Group la Whatsapp la Mastaa wa Bongo Pata Maelekezo Hapa Bongo Movie Star, Batuli in the name of family first, shared this photo with her son on Instagram.

The photo is trending now in the Instagram with a number of comments and likes.

She proved to be a real mother who cares his son. Such a lovely family….

This is how we  do in social media life.....Just leave a comment.

Je Unahitaji Mpenzi? Usijali, Basi Tukutane Hapa 18++

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"This photo of Batuli & her son will melt your heart (Look) "

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