Is it real?...Kajala in hospital...her friend Lamata shared this photo on Instagram....get well soon Kajala

Kama Wewe ni Mpenzi Wa Mastaa,Kuanzia Bongo Movie Hadi Bongo Fleva

Jiunge Sasa na Group la Whatsapp la Mastaa wa Bongo Pata Maelekezo Hapa From Lamata's Instagram account:
Female Director and movie producer, Lamata shared this photo of Kajala actress in hospital.
From what Lamata wrote on this photo it seems true that Kajala is not in a good condition.

 Let’s all together to wish her a quickly recover.
Je Unahitaji Mpenzi? Usijali, Basi Tukutane Hapa 18++

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"Is it real?...Kajala in hospital...her friend Lamata shared this photo on Instagram....get well soon Kajala"

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